Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I've been reading lately.....

I just finished reading Nightwoods by Charles Frazier.  Pretty good, but I couldn't help visualizing the main female, Luce, as Frazier's Cold Mountain gruff female character played by Renee Zellweger in the movie.

I've moved on to a new book to read: The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. I'm in the early stages of it yet, but it's looking interesting. The story is about a young woman's life and loves in the 1980s, so I should relate well to the time period and cultural setting.

I also just finished listening to the book-on-CD, Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman by Robert K. Massie. I enjoyed hearing this book on CD, in particular because the narrator pronounced all those Russian names that I wouldn't have had the first idea how to say! Learning about Catherine the Great's rise to power and reign filled in a lot of 18th century history for me, so now I feel a little more rounded than before!

So guess what I decided to listen to next?  Becoming Marie Antoinette by Juliet Grey on CD. This is  historical fiction rather than non-fiction like Massie's book, but I think it will fill in more of the 18th century European power structure and culture for me while entertaining me with a story at the same time.

Keep on reading....

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