Saturday, February 16, 2013

Beautiful decorating and style books

Thanks to one of our patrons who has an eye for beauty, we got some excellent suggestions for several exquisite books on decorating and style which we purchased. The visual treats these books provide can be overwhelming in their richness. That's not to say that any one of us could not take the arrangements presented so eloquently here and turn a version of them them to use in our own humble abodes, making them then so much more enticing and pleasant. Allow me to offer you the following such inspirations:

Charlotte Moss : a visual life : scrapbooks, collages, and inspirations by Charlotte Moss

Ann Getty : interior style by Diane Dorrans Saeks

The life of the house : how rooms evolve by Henrietta Spencer-Churchill

A perfectly kept house is the sign of a misspent life : how to live creatively with collections, clutter, work, kids, pets, art, etc.-- and stop worrying about everything being perfectly in its place written and photographed by Mary Randolph Carter 

Yacht Clubs of the world text by Bruno Cianci and Nicol Reggio 

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