Saturday, October 20, 2012

Politics and the presidential election

I'm sure you've not had enough information yet about our upcoming election nor about the men running for that most powerful position :).  We've been busy acquiring some general books on the election process--to help you remember (or discover) how presidents are actually elected in the United States. And we've also been getting some books of a more partisan nature--on both sides. I'll provide a sampling of these below so you can read up on the latest in our collection showing what pundits and other thinkers have been pondering....

Selecting a President by Eleanor Clift and Matthew Spieler 

The Price of Politics by Bob Woodward 

Our Divided Political Heart by E.J. Dionne, Jr. 

Now or Never by Jim DeMint

 No Apology: Believe in America; The Case for American Greatness by Mitt Romney

It's the Middle Class, Stupid! by James Carville and Stan Greenberg 

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